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I've started a project with a couple of friends to start implementing 
daisy support in a cross platform library. It's going to be in python 
since that's the language my friends know but it can eventually be 
ported to another language if needed. If anyone is interested, you can 
clone the project at  We have a 
sample book in daisy 3.0 format. It's free as in freedom, richard 
stallmen's biography since that's under the gfdl and unlikely to result 
in a copyright battle. I'd eventually like this to either be part of the 
document liberation project or if that's not possible at least mentioned 
there, since it's directly related to getting files out of a legacy 
format and into something open. I've also gotten some interest from the 
developer of the cozy audiobook player at

Kendell Clark

On 02/20/2018 02:26 AM, kendell clark wrote:

hi all
My name is Kendell clark. I'm an active open source contributor and 
active on In short, our mission is to make 
linux accessibility easy, both for users and for developers. We have a 
long way to go, but that's not why I subscribed to this mailing list. 
I'm al for liberating documents out of proprietary file formats and my 
case is a good example of proprietary formats. I'm writing to see if 
anyone is interested in helping to create a library for working with 
the "daisy" digital accessible information system, format. It's not 
exactly proprietary, since it is documented, and has specs, available 
at, but it is not much used, and 
when it is used, it is used almost exclusively by proprietary 
addaptive applications for reading the daisy format, such as fs 
reader, which is part of the "job access with speech", hor jaws, 
screen reader for microsoft windows. There are two different versions 
of the standard, both completely different from one another. Daisy 
2.02, which is the oldest, and daisy 3.0, which is the newest. Now 
daisy has largely been succeeded by the open epub standard, but 
popular book sites for the visually impaired still use the legacy 
format, although they do offer epub formats. I would like to work on a 
libarary, maybe called libdaisy, to convert daisy files into open 
formats. There was at one point, an odt2daisy addon for libreoffice 
which could do this but it is no longer maintained and I do not 
believe was open source, although I could be wrong about that. There 
is one caveat to daisy and that is that there is optional drm, digital 
rights management, built inot the spec. The definition of this support 
is so vague as to provide a skeleton framework for the drm without 
defining any specific methods for drm, probably so companies can each 
develop their own, completely incompatible, drm frameworks. The one 
saving grace is that the daisy 3 spec shares a lot of code with the 
epub spec. They even use some of the same xml tags, so adding daisy 3 
support shouldn't be too hard. Daisy 2 is a completely different 
animal and uses  html, along with smil, simple multimedia integration 
language I believe it stands for. Now I am completely new to 
contributing to you guys, so I am not at all familiar with the tools 
you guys use, or even whether they are accessible. I cannot directly 
write computer code, but I can provide specifications, sample 
documents, and information about the formats I'm interested in if that 
would be helpful. There is a desperate need for daisy support in open 
source software because linux currently has a handful of daisy 
readers, most of which are abandoned long ago. There is one active 
daisy reader, but it is command line only and only plays the older 
daisy 2 format, and then only from cd. I also forgot to mention that 
the daisy 2 and daisy 3 file spec also has support for audio files, 
wav or mp3 file formats only. Is anyone interested?
Kendell Clark

Open source is much more than just a license. It is freedom personified. It is a community of 
people exercising their god given rights to use, study, modify and share code and ideas. And 
breaking drm wherever they find it.

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