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Hi Florian,

Well the intent of my testing is to determine which linux office suite can best handle docx compatibility, so that i can suggest that suite to users who are making the shift from windows and bringing their office 2007+ documents with them, in addition to submitting bugs to LibreOffice's bug tracker as its the FOSS office suite. Regarding 'minimal' test cases, i dont regularly create documents in microsoft office and the last version of it that i have is office 2000 or xp, so its not possible for me to create original .docx files in it to show that particular error, but if that is what is needed, i can have a friend who uses office 2010 or 2013 edit the file to isolate the issue. If i can assist the document liberation project, than i'm more than willing to do so if its in my capacity.

Jay Philips

On 04/20/2014 06:47 PM, Florian Reisinger wrote:
Hi Jay,

I had no time to watch the talk myself, but what I can say is: In the LibreOffice-project we lack time (like people workdays). I would appreciate someone deeper involved in the documentliberation project than me to present his/her opinion.... As far as I understood, there is no seperate bugtracker ATM (or even "products", but that may change). Having a shared bugzilla with LibreOffice would make a lot of sense (the filters as single products, which in fact they are). So yes, it is important to have the documents and the diffs (opening in LibO, no edit saved in LibO. [From the unzipped file, as docx, odt are zipped AFAIK]). Okay up until here I was neutral, and now something I hope does not sound impolite or even rude: If a bug is not in the database, it is not a bug [Like: "we cannot do anything against it"]. I also do fear, that your documents are not "minimal" test cases. Your iniative (and please do not take the following as rude) does not make a lot of sense yet. Do not understand me wrong, you present the status quo, but that won't change as much as it could. Furthermore it would be important to have a dev which actually does the change (e.g. I am working at this project [LibreOffice] in my spare time,as well as many developers do. Of course some get paid to fix something, but that is professional support). What i want to say here: It's not about looking at the docs, they have to be a small test document showing the error. If it is in the database a dev is needed, which wants to fix this problem. All in all this is a long, time consuming task. What I know of the QA department in the projects we lack man-hours, so none of us can take care of the documentliberation stuff as well [although we have the same goals and the same foundation AND the same bugs]. Of course everyone would be willing to assist you at the beginning, but in my opinion we can not be that end-user oriented just now

So thank you for reading that paragraph. Some small things: At the moment this mailinglist is a very low frequented one, so please do not unsubscribe. Your work IS appreciated, but it would be good if you could invest some hours a week/month. What I know is, that this is the only documentliberation-mailinglist yet, so you should be right here....

Again thanks for reading, looking forward to hearing your answer :)


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